Connection Validation
When you start a new synapse validation protocol, NeuTu will ask you to provide a protocol file as a start point. The file should contain a list of points that corresponding to the positions of the synaptic elements to validate.
After launching the protocol successfully, you should be able to see a dialog like this:
We can see from the dialog that each task of this protocol is to review a synaptic connection (supposed to be a PSD) by checking if:
The position of the connected T-bar is correct
The T-bar is on a body that looks correct locally
The position of the PSD is correct
The PSD is on a body that looks correct
One done with reviewing, you can press the Complete protocol
button to finish the protocol. If you want to exit the protocol and resume the current progress later, press the Exit protocol
. The validation results are saved as key values in DVID under api/node/<uuid>/NeuTu-protocols/key/<protocol_key>
. The protocol key has the form like /api/node/(uuid)/NeuTu-protocols/key/(username)-connection_validation-(identifier)
Usually you will just review things in order, manually clicking the check boxes, and click "mark review/go to next" when done with each.
You can click "next" to go out of order, or click directly in the list if you prefer; it's one list so you see pending and complete all at once, and you can go back and change things later easily
When you click first/next buttons, or goto current, NeuTu will navigate to the x, y, z location of the PSD in the 2d view.
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