Copy Information

There are a group of items in the context menu for copying position-related information into the system clipboard. The position used to compose the information is where the context menu is popped up.

  • Copy Position: copy the clicked position

  • Copy Body ID: copy the body ID under the clicked position

  • Copy Supervoxel ID: copy the supervoxel ID under the clicked position

  • Copy Neuroglancer Link: copy a neuroglancer link that locates the data at the clicked position

For copying a position, you can customize the format by setting a template in the global settings:

Position copying will replace $x, $y and $z by x, y and z respectively in position copying. All other characters in the template will be kept the same. For example, you can make a template for copying the position as a JSON object: {"x": $x, "y": $y, "z": $z}. The default format is ($x, $y, $z).

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